Doras Scoring Criteria
Dora is based on a set of scoring criteria, where points are added for more “at-risk” responses. The questions vary in weighting. Some only have a light-weighting, others have significant weighting, and some have no weighting at all. The weighting is based on what we determine real-world risk factors that increase the road risk of a driver.
In designing Dora, there were two critical elements we worked hard on refining to ensure an accurate, and most important of all, a realistic, real-world risk assessment of a driver.
These two elements were based on our extensive experience of delivering on-road advanced and defensive driving courses across the UK and having a detailed understanding of what really increases the road risk of a driver.
The Two Critical Elements:
- The appropriate risk grading for each question
- The point separators set to segment Low, Medium and High risk
A Few Example Questions:
Attitude based:
* It is sometimes perfectly safe to exceed the speed limit (agree/disagree)
Driving Law:
* What various road markings mean (multiple choice)
Emergency Situations:
* One of your front tyres suffers a blowout when you are travelling at speed. What should you do? (multiple choice)
* Your age
* How many at-fault collisions have you had in the last 3 years?
* Annual Mileage
* Have you been banned from driving in the last 5 years?