A number of Police forces around the UK have launched their annual drink/drug drive campaign. This year is obviously very different – with no works christmas parties, pubs for the majority are closed, unless of course you’re having a “substantial meal”. Will this have an impact on drink drive figure? Currently we don’t know. With any luck the figures will be much lower, as fewer people will be going out, but that said there has been an increase in drinking at home.

Let’s not make 2020 any worse!

Our single piece of advice is – never drive under the influence of drink or drugs. Not during the festive period or any other time. It’s the Police who have to clear up the pieces when it goes horribly wrong, it’s also them who see the devastating consequences of driving under the influence. This year has been tragic enough. People need to now start thinking more about the consequences of their actions, and think more about looking out for others.

What is the drink drive limit?

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the alcohol limit for drivers is 80 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood, 35 micrograms per 100 millilitres of breath, or 107 milligrammes per 100 millilitres of urine. In Scotland it is different to the rest of the UK since 2014. The limit is 50 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood, 22 micrograms of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath, and 67 milligrammes per 100 millilitres of urine.

arious UK Police force campaigns:


Suffolk Constabulary’s campaign – Police are encouraging people to enjoy themselves sensibly in the build up to Christmas – and not put lives at risk by driving while under the influence.
They will be carrying out roadside checks and enforcement during December as part of their annual Christmas campaign to clamp down on drink and drug-driving.


North Yorkshire Police – This Police force are saying this year has already been bad enough, and are asking people not to make it even worse by drink driving this Christmas. Officers say they will catch dozens of offenders during the festive season who will end up in custody, losing their licence and getting a criminal record. This force worry that the drink drive problem could be compounded with the current tier restrictions around the UK. Officers in this area will be conducting roadside breath tests 24/7, including in the mornings when motorists can be caught over the limit from the night before.


Devon & Cornwall Police – Devon and Cornwall Police are running their annual Christmas drink and drug driving campaign through all of December and until Friday 1st January 2021. Officers want to raise awareness of the dangers involved in drink and drug driving by encouraging people to take responsibility for their actions. During this month-long project, officers will be doing roadside breath tests from all drivers who commit a moving road traffic offence, regardless of whether or not they suspect a drink driving offence. Officers in Devon and Cornwall carried out 1,059 breath tests and charged 117 people with a drink drive related offence and 47 people with a drug drive related offence last year. Let’s hope this year it’s lower and people have learn to take more responsibility for their actions.


Lincolnshire Police – This Police force are warning people not to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the Christmas period. Last year 1,369 people were breathalysed by this force, and a further 115 drivers were tested for drugs. 10% failed a roadside breath test and 40% tested positive for drugs. Officers will ask any driver who they suspect could be over the legal alcohol limit to provide a breath test, regardless if they have committed a traffic offence or are part of a collision.


West Midlands Police – This force is pushing it’s annual drink/drug campaign once again, targeting those that decide to risk driving after drink or drugs. Research published by Drinkaware shows a number of people have significantly increased their alcohol consumption whilst at home during the Covid-19 lockdown. Sergeant Dave Bickley, from West Midlands Police’s road harm prevention team, said drivers need to ensure they are safe to drive in the morning if they have partied at home into the night. He said: “The Christmas period is a time for celebration and some may be some tempted to overdo things after an incredibly difficult year.”


How alcohol affects driving:

  • Your brain takes longer to receive messages from the eye
  • Processing information (basic and complex information) becomes much more difficult
  • Slower reaction times, which are caused by the points above, plus a delay in the sending of instructions to the body’s muscles
  • Blurred and double vision, which can affect your ability to see things clearly
  • More likely to take dangerous risks, which you may be able to usually repress


Take responsibility for your actions, and don’t make 2020 any worse – don’t drink or drug drive.