.We help a wide range of people who need a bespoke refresher driving course, including:

1. Experienced Drivers – Those who have been driving for many years and feel they would really benefit from a bespoke refresher course to further help them become safer drivers and iron out any bad habits.

2. Return to Driving – Those who have not driven for a long while (sometimes many years) and feel a refresher course will give them a confidence boost to, once again, get behind the wheel. Also ideal for those who have passed their driving test and have not driven since.

3. Returning to the UK – Those who have not driven in the UK for a while, after living abroad, and want to invest time in getting back up to speed with driving in the UK.

4. Post Accident – Those who have lost their confidence following a road traffic accident and need to get back on the roads again. Read more about our specialist refresher Post-RTC Driving Course.

5. Nervous Drivers – For drivers that suffer from nerves when driving on various roads (mostly rural roads and/or motorways) and feel a refresher session will help them give them back their much-desired confidence.

How We Are Different:

Our refresher courses are designed for those that want more than a few hours of training with an “L” driving instructor.

1. Specialist Courses – We have created a bespoke course for those looking specifically at refresher driver training.
2. Expert Tutors – With us, you’re not receiving training with a driving instructor you perhaps see teaching only learners. Our tutors are highly experienced in delivering driver training for full licence holders. Training a full licence holder is very different from instructing a learner.
3. Support Before, During and After – You’re not fitted into an hour-by-hour slot like you do when you’re a learner. Our clients have support before, during and after training with us. You will have a course manager who will personally deal with you.
4. Post Course Report – After your refresher course, you will receive a detailed driving assessment, which looks at your driving and how you improved, which also includes written notes from your tutor.
5. Training in Your Own Car – We mostly provide training in a client’s own car. Although we can supply a car, most prefer discreet training in a car they are familiar with.

Read Our Refresher Driving Course Case Studies

Whatever the reason for your refresher driving course, we can help you. All our courses are bespoke to your needs, and training can be in your manual, EV or automatic car.

Learn more about what we offer as a business, which outlines our advanced and defensive courses and our refresher courses too:


Read Our Refresher Driving Course Case Studies


Course Content:

The exact training can be based on precisely what you want, from initially getting back behind the wheel and doing very basic driving to practising reversing, parking and more. Below are the typical things we tend to cover in a session:

1. Forward planning and observation – Helping you to observe more effectively, so you’re not simply “reacting” to hazards but seeing them and planning.
2. Dealing with motorways – Restoring your ability and confidence in dealing with today’s busy traffic on a range of challenging roads, including motorways.
3. Understanding other road users – How to develop a driving plan which places focus on anticipating the actions of other road users.

4. Dealing with rural roads – How you can adapt your driving quickly and safely on a range of roads, including rural roads.
5. Dealing with adverse weather – How to improve your car control and powers of observation to remain safe in the rain, icy weather and other adverse weather, which is common in the UK.
6. Roundabouts – How to approach and confidently deal with busy roundabouts with multiple exits and lanes.

7. Rules – Develop a more detailed understanding of the rules of the road and various road signs.
8. Road Rage – How to cope with and defuse road rage (closely related to point 3).
9. Reversing and Parking – How to safely perform manoeuvres (reverse parking, reversing, turn in the road)
10. Reporting – For an expert to provide a fair and accurate assessment of your driving.
11. Facing your fears! – Some customers are scared of motorways, driving under bridges, taking left (or right) hand bends. No matter what is holding you back, we can help you face your fears with added confidence.

Learn more about what “bespoke training” is all about.
Learn more about the high-quality standard of our tutors – more info


At a Glance:

1. We will come to you for the training.
2. All training takes place in your own car.
3. We have full UK coverage.
4. After the course, we will send you a full report, which outlines your driving both before and after the training.

Talking & Opening Up: On the day of the course, you will meet your tutor for a further informal, non-judgemental chat before the driving starts. We have a specific set of questions we ask at the start, designed to get a better understanding of you and how best we can help. We ask insightful questions such as:

  1. How do you rate your driving
  2. What are your main fears and concerns
  3. What you want to achieve from the training
  4. What has motivated you to do this training
  5. What sort of driver would you love to become

The things you discuss here will form the pathway to improved driving confidence, which will be referred back to during your training with us.

Enjoy 12 Months FREE Concierge Service  – When you take a course with us, you also enjoy a 1-year free membership with our Drivers Concierge service, providing a personalised, one-to-one helping hand for a range of motoring and driving assistance that you may need.

Learn more about what course duration is best for you – more info.

Read Our Refresher Driving Course Case Studies

Book Your Course:

You can book online at www.advanced-driving.co.uk/book/ and select “Refresher Course / Private” or contact us for more info.