We are dedicated to providing exceptional driver training and customer support to all customers at all times. Our customer quality charter documents the quality standards we hold ourselves to and insist all tutors who work with us also abide by them.

Training Quality:

We aim to:

  1. Assign a DVSA-registered driving tutor or tutors capable of providing the required high level of training for a specific job or jobs.
  2. Provide an excellent standard of training, which will precisely address the client’s needs and requirements.
  3. Provide relevant verbal feedback immediately after a session for all who take training with us, directly from the tutor, with further advice and support where needed.
  4. Provide a high-quality, insightful and detailed post-course driving report for each client who takes on-road driver training with us.
  5. Provide a unique course verification number on each driving report we produce.
  6. To offer a reasonable level of free advice and support for any driving-related issues or questions after the completion of an on-road driving course with us for a period of 12 months.

Customer Service Quality:

We aim to:

  1. Provide the highest level of customer service, making sure each client is dealt with on a professional, caring, one-to-one basis.
  2. Deal with all enquiries in a quick and efficient manner.
  3. Treat all complaints seriously and address them quickly and efficiently.
  4. Provide the highest levels of discretion and understanding when dealing with training of a sensitive nature (serious motoring offences, severe driving-related anxiety, post-collision courses etc.)
  5. Get feedback, where possible, from each client who takes training with us to make sure we provide an outstanding driver training experience.
  6. Observe all GDPR principles when dealing with customer data.

Tutor Quality:

All tutors aim to:

  1. Treat clients in a caring and respectful way at all times.
  2. Be clean and well-presented.
  3. Provide a professional and safe training environment.
  4. Provide the highest level of client satisfaction.
  5. Assist with any feedback after an on-road driver training session.
  6. Deal with any problems or issues in a quick and efficient way.
  7. Provide the very highest level of customer service.

Should we not reach the high standards we set ourselves, please let your tutor or course manager know. We will then look to resolve any issues in a quick and timely way for you.

This customer charter was last reviewed and verified on: 22nd August 2024