We offer a bespoke driver improvement course for company drivers and also private clients. There is a number of reasons why people invest in a driver improvement course. A driver improvement course is also known as an advanced or defensive driving course. Whatever you call them, they are designed to make better drivers.


1. Improved levels of driver skill and safety
2. A detailed and documented risk assessment of the driver training session
3. Lower collision rates
4. Improved fuel consumption
5. Improved driver morale

Our driver improvement course is ideal for:

1. Those who have had a collision and see the incident as an opportunity to improve
2. A company had a van or car driver who is either driving too fast, has had a collision or has other issues which need addressing
3. For someone due in court for speeding (or similar) charges, including totting up and wanting to demonstrate their intention to become a safer driver. More info on this course here.

Our driver improvement course is based around the driver, and we have full UK and come to you for the training, which takes place in your own car or van. A driver improvement course is very similar to a defensive and advanced driving course – which we also offer.

Our Difference:

The main difference is that with driver improvement courses, it is presumed that the driver taking the training has very specific issues to address, whereas an advanced driving course tends to be more common with companies and private clients that just want to mainly risk assess a driver and then provide general Roadcradft based driver training.

During a driver improvement course, we cover a range of things, including:

* A discussion about the specific reasons for the course
* What the driver would especially like to learn from the session
* How the driver currently views their driving ability and experience
* Dealing with any resistance (tutor-led)
* Improving observation
* Becoming more speed aware
* Safer cornering techniques 
* Understanding vehicle handling dynamics and techniques 
* Highway Code and Rules of the road
* Commentary driving to improve awareness
* Reversing and manoeuvres if needed
* Vehicle stability and control
* Motorway driving and techniques
* Town and urban defensive driving
* Eco-safe driving (effective use of speed, gears, and planning)
* Understanding other road users and how you can be more aware of them
* How to avoid getting caught up in other’s bad driving

After The Course:

After our driver improvement course, you (driver or organiser) will be emailed a detailed driving report, which will assess the driving at the start of the session and also at the end so that you can see improvements and in what areas. There are lots of notes from the tutor and an overall risk from low to high, which is detailed in the four-page report.

Our course is not designed as an alternative to a driver improvement course, which you may have been asked to go on as an alternative to points – do please be aware of this as there is a difference. This course we offer is a bespoke session from a private company designed for those that wish to have a private, independent assessment of their driving with bespoke coaching to lower their road risk.

Please contact us for more information, and a member of our team will be happy to help.