We offer a free service to clients and non-clients who wish to receive a review of an area or specific route they drive with regard to its risk. We are able to look at data over the last 20 years and provide an insight into the areas along any given route which appear to be an accident blackspot. We are able to drill down to the exact location, allowing you to see any specific junctions, parts of the road which may be particularly lethal.

We feel it’s important all drivers are aware of accident/collision blackspots. Having an increased awareness at particularly dangerous points on a road can only have a positive impact from a road safety perspective. Whether you drive a route regularly or are driving in a new area and wish to arm yourself with some potentially life-saving insight, we can help.

Not only can we provide this useful insight we can also offer some brief hints and tips to make sure you safely deal with any blackspots.

This service is ideal for:

1. Drivers who regularly drive on a specific road but are unaware of any danger blackspots
2. New drivers who are anxious about the roads they will be driving on regularly
3. Drivers to a new area
4. Companies who need to risk assess a specific route

Please email rob@driversdomainuk.com, and we will be able to provide a brief insight for you; please be sure to give your exact route. It’s often easier to give the road number between two locations.