Zinc eConsulting Ltd t/a Drivers Domain UK
Company Number: 07614011
VAT Registration Number: 932-2071-56
We strongly recommend you take the time to carefully read our terms of business. Please note – should you need to call us, all telephone calls are recorded for training purposes.
These are our terms with a specific focus on our refunds and cancellations.
Driver Training Terms and Conditions
These are our general terms and conditions relating to our driving courses, which also outlines the cancellation period, and what you need to bring with you, and essential checks to do before your course starts. We recommend all people taking the training read these terms, and not just the person arranging the course or courses. This is especially relevant if we are training a large number of people.
Partner Sellers Terms & Conditions
These are our general terms and conditions relating to our driving courses purchased through external retailers.
These terms relate to our online risk assessment platform, Dora – which can be accessed via www.advanced-driving.co.uk/dora/
These terms relate to our free Drivers Concierge service, which is available for 12 months for all our customers who have taken on-road training with us.